Domine a Pet Society!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

PetSociety Fish Hack [En ESPAÑOL]

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HEX Code: 758B00000024820F PET SOCIETY FISHING HACK [English Tutorial In more info] Hack para pescar Spanish Version [En ESPAÑOL] HACK TRABAJANDO ====================================== English Tutorial 1. Go to the lake and start fishing 2. Catch a fish ( or something else like a shoe..) 3. Open Cheat Engine 5.5 and choose as process: FireFox.exe 4. Tick HEX, Choose 8 bytes, And tick ASROM (Also Scan Read Only Memory) 5. Now next to the HEX box, fill in 758B00000024820F 6. First Scan 7. You’ll receive 2 addresses IF YOU DONT RECEIVE 2 ADDRESSES, YOU ARE NOT USING FLASH PLAYER 9! 8. Right click, Dissamble this memory region of the first address 9. Now you’ll get a new window, and right click the marked address 10. Choose: Replace with code that does nothing 11. A few addresses will change in: nop 12. Now go back to the lake and start fishing again 13. You’ll see that you’ll fish super fast! 14. To fish even faster, use the Speedhack function of Cheat Engine 5.5 15. How to speedhack: Go to the mainwindow of cheat engine and click: Enable Speedhack. 16. Now change the 1 into 5 (Not more (=crash)) 17. Now you’ll catch a fish supper fast! :D 18. Click Save, and your game will get saved.
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